Stardom Journal of Islamic and Sharia Studies
ISSN (online): 2980-3810
DOI: 10.70170/wbYsD987
Accreditation number of EOEA: 20Q0015718
Accreditation Standards : Q2
Stardom Scientific Journal of Islamic and Sharia Studies is a refereed scientific journal issued by Winning Trading Strategy Limited Sirket- Stardom University– Istanbul- Turkey. The journal aims to provide a platform for publishing research in accordance with the approved international scientific standards, and to improve production and scientific research in the field of Islamic and Sharia studies. The journal is issued quarterly a year in electronic version, and accepts papers and research studies written in both Arabic and English.
Aims and Scope
Stardom Scientific Journal of Islamic and Sharia studies is a journal for the publication of peer reviewed, original research for all aspects of Islamic and Sharia issues in accordance of Islamic regulations that are in Qura’n and Suna.
The Journals Subjects:
- Tafseer
- Sunna
- Sharia Studies
- Islamic Rules
- Fiqh
- Seerah
- Islamic Rules